Архив за етикет: директория

Глобални Smarty променливи

Списък с глобалните Smarty променливи използвани в Prestashop :

01 $base_dir { root folder of your shop }

02 $base_dir_ssl { root folder of your shop using HTTPS protocol }

03 $content_dir { root folder of your shop depending on the SSL settings }

04 $img_ps_dir { root folder containing images “/img/” }

05 $img_dir { images folder in your current theme directory }

06 $css_dir { css folder inside the current theme folder }

07 $js_dir { JavaScript inside the theme folder }

08 $tpl_dir { theme root folder }

09 $modules_dir { modules root folder }

10 $mail_dir { mail templates root folder }

11 $lang_iso { current language ISO code }

12 $come_from { previous page address [absolute] }

13 $shop_name { your specified shop name }

14 $cart_qties { total number of products in the cart }

15 $cart { shopping cart contents }

16 $currencies { pulls available currencies }

17 $id_currency_cookie { selected currency id [cookie dependent] }

18 $currency { active currency }

19 $cookie { active cookie }

20 $languages { grabs available languages }

21 $logged { checks whether users is logged in }

22 $page_name { current page’s name }

23 $customerName { customer name [session dependent] }

24 $priceDisplay { current price display settings [currency dependent] }